THE Monday of ALL Mondays

New Year’s has slowly become one of my favorite holidays. Last year at my New Year’s Eve pre-party I had all my friends write down their New Year’s resolutions on a white index card. I took pictures of each friend holding it (I saw on Pinterest & thought was super cute). It was fun. Well I’m proud to report that last year was the first year of my life that my New Year’s resolution wasn’t the cliché “to lose weight” resolution. Last year I wrote on my index card that my resolution was to floss. And guess what? I flossed all damn year! Not every day, but at least 3-4 times a week. Which is a lot considering I never flossed  before. Why did I finally stick to a resolution? Was it because I wrote it on an index card and took a picture? Was it because it wasn’t to lose weight? Or was it because it was small, tangible and achievable?

My previous “lose weight” resolutions actually translated to me becoming a complete extremist. Lose weight meant no sugar, no alcohol, no coffee, no carbs, eliminate all preservatives, exercise one hour a day, pack my lunch, drink a smoothie for breakfast, walk to work every day, get skinny enough to wear jeans every day, become a world class chef and learn Italian. No wonder I always failed. I put too much pressure on my one resolution. I set myself up for failure. I knew what I wanted, but I clearly didn’t know how to get there. But focusing on one small thing, like flossing, was easy. I just needed floss and a bit of dedication. And for the first time ever, I believed that I could keep a New Year’s resolution. I hadn’t cast my net too wide.

This year my friends and I did the same thing. Some of the resolutions of my friends that I recall:

  • Fill the Brita when it’s empty
  • Wash my face before bed
  • Eat more chicken
  • Volunteer more
  • Become a children’s yoga instructor
  • Stay jacked and tan (some friends didn’t take it seriously)
  • Fold the clothes the minute they are finished drying
  • Organize my second bedroom
  • Learn one new thing every week
  • Visit all 7 continents (again, a friend who didn’t take it seriously)

Mine was to wash my face before bed. Which for me means using my Rodan and Fields 3 step regime. I’m already off to a good start. It’s crazy how when I wash my face before bed I usually do one of two more productive things after. For example, I’ll feel accomplished just by washing my face so I’ll walk downstairs and pack a quick healthy lunch or a couple healthy snacks.

Now of course I want to get healthier this year, kick a couple more bad eating habits and lose a couple more pounds. I was one of the millions of people that took a 6:00 am exercise class. I was at the grocery store loading my cart with fresh fruits, veggies and rotisserie chicken last night. I even weighed myself this morning for the first time in a while to take inventory. The difference? I am looking at how to get where I want through a more realistic lens. And I think we should all work together to do the same. Take one small step today. Something you KNOW you can accomplish and build from there.

We all know the definition of insanity. That alone is a good reason to change our ways this year. Slow your pace and I guarantee you’ll reach the finish line quicker.

Happy Monday!!!

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